Frequently Asked Questions

May 21, 2017

So many goodies at Dandelion Vintage!

I hope that you're checking out my etsy shop regularly, I've been adding a bunch of great vintage goodies over there!
1920s silk slip, 1930s small sized Tuxedo Tails, Victorian cape, Coat & Bodice, 1950s dresses, Antique laces and clothing remnants/trims, lace collars, antique lingerie and baby items and Cheap Vintage Hats!!

Don't miss it on Dandelion Vintage etsy

Also be sure to check out the 50% off Clearance section


May 5, 2017

Dresses, Linens and more in the etsy shop!

I'm always adding fresh vintage stock to the

Be sure to check it out for some recently added vintage dresses, accessories and vintage tablecloths and other linens