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Jan 14, 2010

I made a big vintage stock purchase today!

Here are some very quick, very sloppy photos of the load of vintage that I bought today. I went through about 17 tub/boxes and this is what I ended up with! I just finished sorting the load and the first load of wash is running right now, with many more to follow.
In the end, I ended up with about 400 pieces, ranging from Victorian (Thank goodness, the Victorian department on the website is seriously lacking) to the 1960s, with some later lingerie. There weren't as many dresses as I was hoping to get, but there are about 10 XL dresses.
Included in the lot were about 40 pieces of Victorian items, including several mens items, early baby clothing, about 20 purses, 20 hats, 20 pairs of shoes (small) maybe a dozen dresses, a few rayon blouses and sweaters, several fur coats and fur pieces, about 40 pieces of 1940s lingerie in rayon and silk, maybe 70-80 nylon slips, a bunch of girdles, some pieces of fabric, including two sets of barkcloth drapes. Plus little things like aprons, gloves and scarves, and other odds-n-ends.
Everything is a piled up mess in these photos, but now the items have been sorted and boxed neatly, waiting to be cleaned.

Here is a very cool, but very beat up Victorian purse that I bought. It has a fancy closure with a keyhole to lock it. There is a silver tag on the front that says 'To Mrs. Ada L. Lorah by the W.L.L. Jan. 1st 1887'