Showing posts with label New York Creations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Creations. Show all posts

Dec 14, 2015

Fresh stock added (lingerie & evening gowns) & New website layout launched!

This week I launched the new layout for the website! I have most of the items from the old layout moved, and I'm very happy with the new set-up, still tweaking here and there. Hopefully I have everything set up correctly. I haven't redirected the URL yet, so the front page of the old website is still up, but linking to everything in the new layout. You can also access the new website directly here -

Usually this time of the year I don't list any fresh stock on the website because people are busy Christmas shopping and not buying much vintage. But I wanted to try out new things on the new website and figure out how I was going to set that up and I'm still deciding whether I should keep this blog or switch over to their blog. I also have to change how I do the mailing list in case I dump my old website host and email server.

So here is a nice update with some pretty lingerie from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. And several eveing gowns from the 1930s and 1940s, including gowns by Pattullo-Jo Copland and Jane Engel

Just added to the new website